eSplash and Stanhope Bills water trough.

This month i would like to let readers know all about the Free eMagazine called eSplash .

It is put out by David Hebbert a retired School teacher from Alexander Victoria. I am sure you will find it a very interesting read and once you get on their email list you will receive copies when they are published.

I fully recommend eSplast to you if you are wanting to learn more about the George Bills story there is a comprehensive Booklet Called Annis and George Bills and that will give you all the information you would require .

This entry features the Stanhope Bills trough and it is just one of the many BHTs you will find in the Artworkz_eSplash_246 edition . Or visit this link.

Stay safe and keep on Smiling George Gemmill

About Bills Horse Troughs

Collecting information about George Bills has been me hobby for over 35 years now and finding locations for the water troughs he supplied .My collection is now over 300 of where these troughs can still be seen. I ask anyone who sights any of these Troughs if you would please forward me a photo to billhorsetroughs@ hotmail .com . Always willing to share any information I have .cheers George
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